I just adore hand-stitched alphabet samplers. One of these days I am determined to fill a wall with them ... but until I have all that extra time to stitch, I'm always on the scout for them at second hand shops or yard sales.
While on our trip home this weekend, I just couldn't resist stopping at one of my favorite Goodwill shops along the way. Did I tell you that I have them all mapped out from here to there? To my husband's great dismay, I really do!

Well Cookeville seemed a perfectly practical stop for lunch ... and it just happens to have one of the largest Goodwill stores I've ever seen! So the boys ate and I happily browsed through the discarded treasures at Goodwill. And for a mere $1.50, I found a lovely hand cross-stitched ABC sampler. Okay, so it wasn't exactly prim but rather stitched up in lavendar and pink ... but I thought with a little dye it just might work in my home.
Oh how I wish I had taken a BEFORE photo. The wooden frame was severely damaged and the sampler was matted in two-toned purple ~ very pretty but not exactly me. So I pulled it all apart to find one of the finest pieces of stitchery that I've seen. The stitches were perfect, and it was obvious that someone took great care with their handwork.
After dying the piece, I scrounged through the attic and my endless supply of old frames to find just the right one. And now this sweet little sampler hangs in my kitchen right beside my sink where I can enjoy its beauty often.

Isn't it sweet? I can see that I missed a spot with my dye. I'll have to go back and fix that. The antique stoneware bowl was a gift from Mom during our recent trip. Thanks, Mom ~ I think its wonderful! I have a little coffee soap in it. And the book is another Goodwill find called "Grandma's Kitchen". It is an old book that is a combination fictional story and cookbook all rolled up into one. I'll have to share more about it sometime.

Here is my special place at the kitchen sink. I love how God changes the picture in that window for me with each season! Right now, the trees are bare but there is a special beauty even about the winter ~ maybe it's the promise of new life in the springtime. Two of the largest old fruit jars were found buried on our property near the site of the old homestead. Can you imagine the story they have to tell? And that sweet little pumpkin was a gift from my friend
Paula of October*Moon. It bears our family verse: "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Thank you, again, Paula!

This is another crock that I bought this summer at a local yard sale for $1.00! Love the chicken, don't you? I keep Colton's meds in it.

And finally, though these kitties don't exactly fit into my decor, I couldn't resist their folk art charm for $6.00 for the entire set. They make me smile.
I hadn't exactly planned to share all of those things, but once I got started snapping photos I just couldn't stop! LOL
Wishing you joy,